
E-class Learning management System

  • Our e-lectronic class, is a motivating and effective online learning environment. Design specially to let the students connect to their academic live whenever and anywhere with a light connection. The items of our menu is a selection that allow to have online class by our own light conference video, a secure exam system, homeworks, analysis of the HRM and of you platform.
  • Additionally, it fosters collaboration and communication among students and instructors through discussion forums, live chats, and collaborative projects. The e-class ensures accessibility and inclusivity, accommodating diverse learners and providing opportunities for personalized learning paths. Regular updates and feedback mechanisms contribute to continuous improvement and a dynamic, responsive educational environment.

The components of the system: Student accountProfessor accountadministrator accountDoyen accountForumCentral panel

E-health Healthing management System

  • In construction

The components of the system: Patient accountDoctor accountadministrator accountonline appointmentForumCentral panel

E-Religion Religion management System

  • Our e-religion has a virtual space for religious and spiritual activities, fostering a sense of community and engagement among its members. The platform typically features live or on-demand streaming of religious services, sermons, and events. It may include interactive elements such as virtual prayer groups, discussion forums, and online study sessions to facilitate community interaction.
  • A user-friendly interface and lightweight navigation are essential, allowing participants to easily access content and engage in various activities. The e-religion platform also offers opportunities for virtual volunteering, online donations and real-time communication with religious leaders. The emphasis on inclusiveness ensures that members from diverse backgrounds can participate in religious practices and community events.

The components of the system: faithful AccountPastor Accountadministrator accountOnline sermonForumCentral panel